Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Chubby Botak

Following the tradition, like my older brothers, I've gone botak at 1 month old. Now you can see my nice round head. Check out my filled-up cheeks - quite obvious where the 2-hourly milk feeds are going to.

How many expressions can a newborn have?

"I can't see"


"I'm so bored, entertain me, somebody? anybody?"

"buzz off, leave me alone"

"where's my milk???!!!"

Well, I am not so sure about other newborns but I have quite many different expressions depending on my mood ... 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The December Dragon Boy

I am Qiyang - QuikQuips, the December Dragon Boy. I complete the family's Three Musketeers - Qixiang - Quotidian and Qiyuan - Quiddlings